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Plant Shadow

Inner Wellness Holistic Healing offers deep energetic healing while connecting you to the source of Divine Energy & Consciousness. VortexHealing® helps transform emotional issues and all aspects of the body's energy system, including the physical body, yourself, & others. It focuses on releasing conditioning on every level, returning to emotional balance and energetic strength so that health prevails.


Inner Wellness focuses on promoting harmony across mind, body and soul.

Katrina offers virtual Private Sessions and Space Clearing. 

For more information, please contact me.



Plant Shadow



Throughout my life, I thought by suppressing my emotions, and it would be an easier thing to manage than to talk to someone about them. However, I could feel they were holding me back from my goals. Katrina showed me that it is ok to be vulnerable by releasing my emotions. I am so grateful to be working with Katrina. I am now achieving my goals effortlessly while experiencing happiness and mindfulness. 

Ian Corpuz, Entrepreneur

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